Vote Compass does not provide voting advice and its results should not be taken as such. It is intended as a democratic exercise that promotes electoral literacy and stimulates voter engagement with party platforms.
Party positions were determined by a team of university researchers in consultation with the parties featured in Vote Compass. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the party calibrations; however, they may not in all cases reflect parties’ self-assessment of their position. The research team imputes party positions based on publicly available party documents, samples of which are made available within Vote Compass. Vote Compass then undertakes a consultative process with each of the featured parties before making a determination as to the most accurate calibration. In cases where discrepancies arise between the research team’s findings and a party’s self-assessment, an expert panel offers a final ruling.
Vote Compass has been reviewed by the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Toronto. This review deemed Vote Compass exempt from an ethics review, under the Tri-council policy statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans, 2nd Edition (TCPS-2), Article 2.4. For more information, feel free to contact [email protected].
Use of Vote Compass data for academic research is governed under the same Tri-council policies.
The trade-mark COMPAS is owned by Compas Inc. and is used by Vote Compass under license. Vote Compass is neither provided nor endorsed by Compas Inc. and Vote Compass and Compas Inc. are unrelated entities.